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23 Skidoo & The Secret Agency: Rhyme Residency Final Performance
Student Tickets: Free for Door County Students up to age 18
Adult Tickets: $25 all sections

Dreamland Area 51 is an over the top (think B-movie style) musical comedy with a score that blends contemporary musical theatre with the smooth sounds of the 1950’s.

Dreamland Area 51 is an over the top (think B-movie style) musical comedy with a score that blends contemporary musical theatre with the smooth sounds of the 1950’s.

Dreamland Area 51 is an over the top (think B-movie style) musical comedy with a score that blends contemporary musical theatre with the smooth sounds of the 1950’s.

Fireside Coffeehouse Event: Bayside Radio Theatre
Tickets: $17.50 - General Admission, seating is limited

Door County Talks (& Listens): Rock Pioneers Hosted by DJ David Watkins
Lectures are free to the public; freewill donations are encouraged

Fireside Coffeehouse Concert: Zephyr Ciesar
Tickets: $17.50 - General Admission, seating is limited

Door County Talks (& Listens): Early Country Music Heroes Hosted by DJ David Watkins
Lectures are free to the public; freewill donations are encouraged

Fireside Coffeehouse Concert: Guitarola
Tickets: $17.50 - General Admission, seating is limited

Door County Talks (& Listens): Roots of Rock & Roll Hosted by DJ David Watkins
Lectures are free to the public; freewill donations are encouraged

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